
43rd BSCB GenSoc UK Cilia Network e-symposium


Date: 18 April 2023   Time: 15:00 - 17:30

43rd BSCB GenSoc UK Cilia Network e-symposium

Date: Tuesday April 18th 2023 Time: 15:00 - 17:30 BST

15:00 -15:20 Yameng Huang, He lab, National University of Singapore, SG, Arl3 regulates ODA16-mediated IFT in motile cilia biogenesis

15:20- 15:40 Shiaulou Yuan, Yuan lab, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, US, The force awakens: cilia as mechanosensors in left-right asymmetry

15:40 -16:00 Janelle Leggere, Wallingford lab, University of Texas at Austin, US, Label-free proteomic comparison reveals ciliary and non-ciliary phenotypes of IFT-A mutants

16:00 -16:20 Siebren Faber, Roepman lab, Radboud University Medical Center, NL, Gene augmentation of LCA5-Leber congenital amaurosis ameliorates bulge region defects of the photoreceptor ciliary axoneme

16:20 -16:40 Mariam Anslanyan, Roepman lab, Radboud University Medical Center, NL, A targeted multi-proteomics approach generates a blueprint of the ciliary ubiquitinome

16:40 -17:00 Peter Walentek, Walentek lab, University of Freiburg, DE, Temporal Notch signaling regulates mucociliary cell fates through Hes-mediated competitive de-repression

17:00-17:30 Panel discussion

Location:  Zoom, online webinar
Contact:  Pleasantine Mill

Updated by: Pleasantine Mill